Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sites That Make You Smarter !!!

  1. Learn to read faster
    Spreeder, in this application we will be invited to read faster, the theory is the average person has the ability to read 200 words per minute, well imagine if my friend had a paper that has the word very much while we only have a little time to read it.

    Spreeder will train us to be able to read at 300 words per minute. Hmm .. interested to try it. This application is ane ever try to read 500 words in Indonesian, and the results are fun =]. Because the application is designed in English, so it would be optimal if it is used to read English-smelling.
  2. Learning a foreign language with self
    This site is a combination of social networking with language courses, so we can learn directly with the native country language.
    What are the advantages? My friend can chat with people who are fluent use of language we want to learn, we can write a short story such as "Today at 11:30 am, I woke up at 7:00 and 23:15 hours of sleep" with the French example and withdraw our paper will be reviewed by the people there, if there are mistakes then they will not hesitate to correct. I like this website! =]

    Visit their website at LiveMocha
  3.  Sitting as a student
    Aaahhh .. student, studying with a standalone system is stressed to the students. If you learn the system of independent means we must read the references as much as possible and no one donk if we can also read the reference dar world's top universities?

    On this website we can read, listen and look at the pictures related to the subjects and universities such as MIT, UCLA, Houston Univ, Oxford Univ, etc..

    The good, there's always a new study is submitted here =], Visit webitenya in LectureFox

  4.  type fast
    RapidTyping is a website about how to type fast!

    A school where students are given quick typing tutorial in an easy and fun. Not limited to age! Want to talk any more? Lha wong computer has become part of most human life, auto typing had already become a habit ..

  5.  Researching a subject
    Schoolr research was designed as a search engine or in a language jock Search Engine for Research. When typing in a topic, he would search a database and direct my friend to Google, Wikipedia, Wolfram Alpha, and dictionaries related to the research.

  6.  Learning English Grammar
    English has become the international language, like it or not we should be able to learn English. The key does (he) just read the dictionary, increase vocabulary, and many speak English. But it turns in to write a lot of people who make mistakes, especially grammar.

    Well, there's a website, SpellCheckPlus, this website will check whether there agan writing on the proper arrangement or not.

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